Wednesday 10 December 2008

The sound of the wind and other noises

The year's wackiest accessory idea comes from Korean product designer Joseph Kim: a ceramic kind of bar-mounted version of the 70's spoke card craze. Y'know, where you peg a playing card or two onto your seat stays & get a cheesey motorbike sound. This is the same, in that the faster you ride, the louder it gets, but more musical, with notes controlled by moving your hands on the grips.

Joseph entered it to a Design21 competition called "Power to the Pedal" back in the spring and it's still doing the rounds now. Voted "most popular" entry, despite only coming third, its probably just a tiny bit too off-the-wall (and likely too pricey) to ever become the craze that spoke cards ever was (interestingly, a spoke card variant appears to be all the rage in the States) and besides, if the shop rides are anything to go by, there's never any shortage of wind-assisted musical accompaniment, courtesy of an excess of Greggs Steak Bake pasties, to warrant the loss of bar-top real-estate.

In any event, I'd definitely be changing the tag line first. Have a look though, it's a cool idea.

via Cozy Beehive

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