Wednesday 14 April 2010

It's all Happening

Light nights, it's warmer everyone is surfacing and the shops buzzing...New Norco range is now in £389-£2000...entry level to free ride.. come on and check them out
The cervelo test fleet is ready, just ring and book a ride it's Free ! But Dont hang about spaces are filling up daily..
The Foxes have definately resurfaced, first ride tonight was a goodun, next ride next tuesday 5.30-6 at the shop.. and aride planned every last Sunday To far and distant places..??
Team Rolo is also back on the road, eatingup the tarmac..a good 55 miler was achieved on Sunday in preperation for the c2c in a day Anth's c2c2c in 2 days and also The 36 hour challenge
Wear Bridge, Sunderland to Tower Bridge London in 36 Hours !!
More updates coming soon ''Ride Hard''

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